I'm ready to wave the white flag and grant marriage licenses to homosexuals...
Today, I realized there's a really good chance I've been misunderstanding exactly what the Equal Rights side has been requesting. For clarification, I just need to ask, why do same-sex couples want to get married? What's the purpose of the institution? I think I've been confused, and I'm ready to admit it.
Things clicked when I read the poster below:
So, homosexuals only want the state to issue documentation acknowledging they "love" each other?
No wonder there has been so much controversy! We've been arguing about two different things!
There may be some confusion regarding the word "love," too. But, I think it's fair to say most Americans believe it is a state of intense feelings...often prompting the desire to make promises of commitment. If that's true, same-sex couples should be free to participate!
And, if all they want is for everyone to agree that, yes, they "love" each other and they are "married," then I feel silly trying to stop it all this time. The government can tell people whatever they want. I don't care.
Marriage licenses for everybody! (Provided they looooove each other, of course.)
Now that I've joined the Human Rights Campaign, I suggest we do something about the fact that people can't marry someone who's already married.. Nor can anyone marry a close relative...or even have sex with them, for that matter. What's that all about? What's the problem if they love each other?
Furthermore, why can't someone fall in love with a dog or an ape? Orangutans, especially, have proven they can learn to communicate with sign language. ("Do you take this man to be your husband?" *Monkey nods*) It's a shame millions of animals are being discriminated against--prevented from marrying the ones they love.
I suspect there are people who believe I'm not serious, but I truly am. No sarcasm. (Well, there was a little sarcasm above.) But I'm fine with gays marrying, by the above definitions. In fact, the decision is being weighed by the Supreme Court right now, and I would not be surprised OR ANGRY if the traditional, Christian understanding of marriage is judged irrelevant.
Don't worry, all you folks who think judging is the next worst thing to murder. I'm not upset that any ruling in your favor necessarily excludes my beliefs. Because, unlike the squeaky, special interest groups of this country, I don't need or want the government to agree with me regarding what's okay and what's not.
Capitol Hill doesn't get to define the terms in my life.
-Capitol Hill says two people can get married, and then agree to dissolve that marriage at a later time--at no fault. That's not my understanding of the institution.
-Capitol Hill says (or likely will say) that two people of the same sex can enter into a marriage union of equal value to society as a union of the opposite sexes. That's not my understanding of the institution.
-Capitol Hill says it gets to decide whether a marriage is valid, either by presenting or withholding some type of official documentation. That's not my understanding of the institution.
If these represent the new meaning of marriage, I apologize for voting against the Equal Rights movement on many occasions. By all means, y'all, get married.
Meanwhile, I do NOT want my children to get married. It sounds horrible, unstable, and frankly, unnecessary. If my daughter tells me she wants to get married, I really mean to ask, "Why?"
"Marriage is what the world does, sweetheart," I'll say. "Marriage is for same-sex couples and those who want the option to split when they 'fall out of love.' I want so much more for you than a mere marriage."
I want my kids to enter into a Covenant.
The purpose of a Covenant is for one man and one woman to complement each other--both in their physical bodies and their functional roles. Within a Covenant, those two people become one flesh, and their union often results in children. The safety provided by the Covenant Union is the best place for said little ones to be raised.
And, in staying faithful to the vows of the Covenant, the spouses fulfill their purpose to model Christ and His church, to teach the Gospel to the next generation, and to bring glory to God.
Covenants are permanent. Covenants are God-witnessed. And their validity is not decided by the Supreme Court.
Perhaps my kids will get tired of hearing the speech, but I'm not ashamed of harping when the lesson is important. "The Government is the God of the pagans, my dears. Let the Followers of Uncle Sam beg him for recognition of their flimsy and fleeting emotions. As for you, sweet children: if God so directs, never settle for less than a Covenant union. It is something the world cannot have."
P.S. I guess I get to display one of these now. Look! Did you ever think I'd be this Progressive?!?!
My nephew entered a Christian Covenant union Saturday. It was described this way on the program. I thought it was a little weird (tough beautiful) until I read your rant. I had a sermon on this not to long ago, but did not connect the gay quest. Thanks, Amanda my horizons have been greatly expanded.
ReplyDeleteI love it! And I'm totally serious--I think Christians should use the term "marriage" as sparingly as possible now. So few people only THINK they know what it means...so maybe a shift in term will shake things up.
DeleteThanks for reading, Dr. Max!
I'm most proud of you, dear daughter.
ReplyDeleteFunny post, but there will be legal ramifications if gay marriage becomes federal law that will effect you and your rights... Or lack thereof as a Christian. It's happening now in Canada... http://www.bpnews.net/BPFirstPerson.asp?ID=38745
ReplyDeleteI agree with you, Unknown! I'm just not sure what to do about it...
DeleteWhen "right" and "wrong" is determined by majority vote, there are few options except get in line to beg at Capitol Hill like everyone else. If you have suggestions, I'm listening!
(Meanwhile, I'm just hoping my reference to Covenant will help the Equal Rights camp understand that, in the eyes of MY God, it takes more than 'love' to have a marriage.)
Your freakish father sent me the link to this, Amanda. Your - as always - well thought out post reminds me of the Sneetches by Dr. Seuss. They want stars upon their belly too. So we'll take ours off. Intriguing. Now, in all seriousness...how long do you think it would be before GLAAD and HRC were taking legal action to prevent the LGBT crowd from being denied their "equal rights to Covenant unions?"
ReplyDeleteThanks, Pete!
DeleteOh, I TOTALLY hope the LBGT crowd starts demanding Covenants! I've got a list of names a mile long...we can change what we call it again.
But, if they want Christians to say, "Your choices are as valid as mine," they'll have to get off the phone with their attorneys and realize the Supreme Court isn't our Judge. At some point, they'll have to start petitioning the correct God.
Way to stand for truth..and very CLEAR truth at that..in case the bible wasnt clear enough, God gave us nature and common sense...but just as the word says in the last days, Many will "supress the truth in unrighteousness"...and many others "Love the praise of man more than the praise of God"...dont worry if even some so called Christians fight you..these are the same folks who embrace "no hell" Rob Bell, and other flase teachers...the bible warned we would face opposition if we stood for what's right..just keep standing. Their will soon be a judgement day and those who chose "liberal philosophies" over Gods word will have their butts handed to them...I have NO doubt.
ReplyDeleteCleancomedian: You and I both know it's not a question of "if" so-called Christians fight me. It has been a busy couple days... (sigh)
DeleteBut, I appreciate the support and hope you'll visit my little blog again in the future!
Love it, Amanda!
ReplyDeleteThanks, SD. I appreciate your taking the time to read it.
DeleteTHANK YOU!!! Great article! By the way...I used to babysit your dad, uncle and aunt!
ReplyDeleteWelcome, mom! :) I hope you'll pop in to read more in the future!
DeletePlan on it...and maybe I will share stories about your dad and my brothers!!
DeleteWell thought out and written... I'd like to share this on FB.
ReplyDeleteI'd be honored! Thanks!
DeleteI'd just like to know what you all are going to tell your kids when the same reasoning that was used to keep women from voting, slaves from being free and schools from being desegregated was used for this decision? And then after it's all set and done, which inevitably it will be, you have to tell your children that you chose against this beautiful symbol of America. I'd also like to point out a painful logical fallacy. Gay marriage does not open the flood gates to bestiality or pedophilia or whatever freakish thing your mind might imagine. Relationships are about consent and attraction. Animals and cars cannot consent. Children have a legal age of consent. Incestual couples have a case but you guys don't see a problem with the fact that you believe that we all come from an incestual relationship in Adam and Eve and their children. Take a second and think about reality before you revert to the programing that you have had since you were 5 years old. Being gay is not a choice and for MANY people if they could chose they would choose to be straight, especially to avoid the types of commentary that blogs like this provide. A "let's take our ball and play on another court" is not only short sighted, it is destined for failure. There is no such thing as "separate but equal" and I think that we all can see that, let's start acting like it. Put yourself in someone else's shoes and show them some love.
ReplyDeleteMike, thanks for reading. (If that's what you call letting your eyes see the words.) Your comprehension, however, is poor.
DeleteI didn't "choose against this beautiful symbol of America." I said, "Marriage licenses for anybody who wants one! As long as they loooooooove each other." The very first sentence I wrote: I'm waving the white flag. Remember that?
Yes, I think incestuous couples will start demanding their rights, next. As will polygamous ones. They loooooove each other. WHY SHOULDN'T THEY "GET MARRIED?"
The only think you got correct was your statement, "There is no such thing as separate but equal." I agree. Your idea of marriage is NOT equal with God's. I can't help you there, buddy. If you want to enjoy the safety, happiness, and true love that takes place within a Covenant, you won't get it from marching on Washington. You can try to shame me and say I'm not being loving, but my hands are tied. God doesn't take votes for redefining something He set up thousands of years ago.
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteActually, some voices on the sexual left already have begun campaigning for polygamous and under-age marriage. It's silly to deny that the dominoes are falling.
ReplyDeleteAs for Adam and Eve: First, man and woman were created genetically perfect. Biologically, there was no need to prohibit incest at the beginning. Second, Eve was not sister of Adam; she was "bone of my bone, and flesh of my flesh." Incest laws don't cover clones. Liberals think they're so smart with their cliche's, but they're usually half-baked like this time.
I think you connect "covenant" with "sworn before God," but it just means a contract. A "sacred covenant" implies a contract with or witnessed by God. Marriage is a type of covenant witnessed by the state. But you can also have a verbal covenant without legal marriage.
ReplyDeleteMarriage is more than acknowledgment of love and commitment. It is a type of covenant between two parties; but legally, it affects people who have not consented to the covenant.
Marriage affects employers, motel owners and landlords, courts (can't force spouses to testify against each other), extended family (such as during probate), insurance companies, hospitals, and, of course, children and adoption agencies.
Can you think of any other sort of contract that is binding upon people who never consented to it? Today, the state offers that consent on our behalf, as well as forcing us to abide by that contract, but without our consent. Before you wave the flag of surrender, you need to weigh the unintended consequences.
The government can legalise anything it wants to, but that will NEVER make it right with God...Ever! No matter what you may want to believe. It is sad to see the homosexual agenda has deceived you with their lies! Because they will NOT stop with same sex "marriage" You absolutely can NOT be a Christian and support what God opposes! You are only lying to yourself! If you want to support SSM, that's your choice. BUT, if you do, then do yourself a favor and stop saying you are a Christian...That is impossible!
ReplyDeleteAnd don't bother with the "judging me" B.S. This is one of the non-debatable things of Christianity! Say what you want, but that's just the way it is! You are only lying to yourself!
Thanks for reading, smytb.
ReplyDeleteYour first sentence is the important one: "The government can legalise anything it wants to, but that will NEVER make it right with God."
I agree completely.
That, actually, was the entire point of my post. It was a mix of sarcasm and reminding the homosexual lobby that the Supreme Court is NOT ultimately what defines right and wrong.
You don't have to worry about me telling you not to judge. I'm one who believes that judging is something Christians are supposed to do. But we're supposed to judge "rightly," and that means we have to understand what the other person is saying before we lash out.
Be careful next time. :)
Anyway, this is my old blog. I write here now: culturesatwar.wordpress.com
Feel free to drop by!