Essentially, there is no reason for me to post here ever again, because I've found another blogger who coherently says everything I've ever tried to express about biblical marriage, dominance/submission, Feminism (blech!), and our wayward, selfish culture. The author is a member of the manosphere--and since I doubt you are familiar with the term, I encourage you to keep reading.
Long-time readers know I've ranted on a wide array of topics, from the tragedy of modern marriage to the evil S-word, Submission. From the thinly veiled insecurity of "comedian" Tina Fey, to the self-worship promoted by Eat, Pray, Love author Elizabeth Gilbert. From the importance of a father, to the necessity of sacrificial motherhood (and here), to the irritating celebration of out-of-wedlock births... and, all along, even I didn't know these things had something in common (besides calling out human selfishness).
All along, I belonged in the manosphere...
"Since the advent of the internet thousands of men have compared notes,
shared stories, and made various philosophical, political, economic, and
even scientific observations, resulting in the millions of pages of
wisdom that compose The Manosphere today. These millions of pages are
slowly coalescing into theories, laws, and rules that make for an
entertaining social 'science.' But most importantly this body of work
has explanation as to what has
happened to society since the feminist revolution of the 70's..."
"There is no core or nucleus to The Manosphere...nor is there any "mission statement." The blogs that compose
that Manosphere range quite widely, including women authors...However, they all have one
thing in common - they are here to exposing the lies foisted upon you, me and everybody
else for the past 50 years--primarily by feminists--about how men and
women 'should be' instead of accepting how we actually are." --Captain Capitalism, manosphere blogger.
Now, pause for a warning. Much of the social/scientific theories being explored in the Manosphere are rooted in evolutionary biology--so, it's a "secular" movement. Many of the bloggers are vocal Atheists--and their language and subject matter is anything but holy.
But any Christian who truly recognizes the Shepherd's voice can't help but notice key places where manosphere bloggers have stumbled upon overarching Truth.
As Captain Capitalism says: "You will see a
lot of anger, crass language, cursing, and vulgarity. However, The Manosphere doesn't care about your feelings, your political
motivations, your ulterior motives, or maintaining a status quo. We are
just concerned about one thing: Truth."
Some bloggers will say "evolution has given men/women very different roles." I say God did it. But, once you get passed that little discrepancy, the observations about gender roles, sex, parenting, and our messed-up society are pretty spot-on.
Who would think evolutionary psychologists and traditional Christians could find so much worldview overlap?
Anyway, if you're interested in "taking the Red Pill" and diving into the Manosphere, start with this link. And read the comments at the bottom. (That's how ideas get advanced in the 'sphere.) Several Christians explain how Post-Feminist principles have encouraged their faith.
Then, move to the blog I mentioned in the first paragraph: The Woman and the Dragon. It belongs to a married, Christian woman, who explains why it's not a sin for Christians to employ this tool, though it was developed by evolutionists... (Note: Sunshinemary now blogs at THIS address.)
Dalrock, a married, Christian man, wrote an excellent post along those lines here: Why Christians Need Game.
Finally, check out Athol Kay's blog, if you don't mind that the language gets rough, especially in the comments. He's one of the leading voices on "married game," but He isn't a Christian. For that reason, it's interesting how perfectly his "Captain/First-Officer" model describes biblical marriage.
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