Friday, April 1, 2011

The End!

Today was my last day at the daycare...

I'm not going to miss setting my alarm for 6:00, scraping my windshield in the winter, and unlocking the building doors in the dark.

I'm not going to miss repeating myself a hundred times, changing smelly diapers, and singing the "clean-up song" while shelving the majority of toys on my own. (Mostly because I'll be having my baby in a few weeks, and I'm not foolish enough to think those days are behind me!)

I'm not going to miss filling out paper work, communicating with less-than-cooperative parents, and jumping through hoops established by people who've never met my students personally...

But, with just a couple of pictures, maybe I can summarize what I WILL miss:

Top right, in a first grader's penmanship: "I hope you have a happy and healthy baby."

....I still don't know what "big thing" is coming next. I know I'm meant for more than just laundry and lunch-making for the next 18 years. There will be another ministry in the near future, I'm sure.

But, in the meantime, I've picked up my name plate:

...and I've come to the end of a long, trying, and simultaneously rewarding phase of service.


  1. No joke here!
    But, since you asked, I'll admit I had to slip in on Monday and leave the timesheet I forgot on Friday. (I didn't let anyone see me, though, so it didn't count as "going to work.") :)
