Monday, April 1, 2013

Jimmy Carter: Rescuing Women from the Bible

Good news!
Everybody's favorite President, Jimmy Carter, has decided it wasn't enough to fix all the problems with the government. Now, he's out to fix the Church!
Read his words:

"The truth is that male religious leaders have had - and still have - an option to interpret holy teachings either to exalt or subjugate women. They have, for their own selfish ends, overwhelmingly chosen the latter...It's time we had the courage to challenge these [misogynist] views." 

The rest of the article consisted of the vague, tired-out criticism of religious people everywhere--stop favoring men while treating women like trash! But just as the President's speech climbs toward a moving crescendo, I couldn't help wondering: who isn't challenging misogyny?

"...discriminatory thinking lies behind the continuing gender gap in pay and why there are still so few women in office in the West. The root of this prejudice lies deep in our histories...At its most repugnant, the belief that women must be subjugated to the wishes of men excuses slavery, violence, forced prostitution, genital mutilation and national laws that omit rape as a crime. But it also costs many millions of girls and women control over their own bodies and lives, and continues to deny them fair access to education, health, employment and influence within their own communities."

Unfortunately, the President fails to call out the bad guys with any specificity. He provides no links and only talks broadly about excusing slavery and national laws. It would be helpful to know to which countries he refers. Also, perhaps he could have included a few actual Scripture references, to let us know which verses stand in question. But, as written, the article doesn't explain who he believes to be taking advantage of women.

Who hates women, Jimmy? Call out the snakes!

Certainly, across the globe, there are cases of brutal, heart-wrenching, less-than-human treatment of females by radical religious sects. I agree with the statement that genital mutilation is completely unacceptable...

But to my American, female peers, I ask:  are you being oppressed?

No, not your friend down the street, or your mother's step-sister's niece. Are you, personally, being abused, disenfranchised, or even mildly mistreated by the Church, because of your gender?

Or are you just choking on the evil S-word, Submission?

To the modern American gals--the ones going to school on scholarship just for being female; the ones squawking over some kind of likely-imagined pay gap; the ones trying to legislate a way to have it all and the ones gaining support while demanding the right to dress like a slut: you are not experiencing abuse.

On the rare occasion you are told to knock it off and act like a lady, it's for your own good.

Hear this: you will always be able to find "white knights" like Jimmy Carter to scream "No FAIR!" on your behalf, whenever you want it. He will take up a sword and swoop to your rescue, whether a real war exists or not.

But does that really make you feel empowered in the end?...having some old, ex-politician shame religious leaders for making your life difficult, when you know, deep down, they haven't?

As for you, Mr. President, contrary to your opinion, leaders have a choice beyond "exalting women or subjugating them." What about treating them as the Bible prescribes--as worthy of love, but in need of leadership?

The pedestal you have created for females is just as harmful to their well-being as the doormat other people make them...maybe even worse.

I believe millions of women are unfulfilled and unhappy not because of latent discrimination, but because they already have the soul-killing freedom you desire for them. They feel free to pick and choose among the Scriptures; free to run rough-shod over their husbands in the name of "strength." And they freely receive coddling and even encouragement from ear-tickling leaders, who preach ten times the number of "MAN UP!" sermons to messages about peaceful submission.

You need game, badly, Mr. President.  Meet your teacher, Professor Dalrock:

"...Christians have decided not to follow the Bible on the question of marriage in specific, and men and women in general.  I’m not just talking about Christian enthusiasm for providing moral cover for frivolous divorce.  I’m also talking about the numerous sections of the Bible which modern Christians are embarrassed about because the sections offend their newer and more dominant religion, feminism."  

Perhaps you're proud of your Feminist identity, Jim.
But you've turned it into a religion. You admit to elevating man-made charters above the precepts of the Bible. (The Universal Declaration of Human rights? Is that God's Word now?)

More from Dalrock: "...Christians have adopted feminism over the Bible.  Not all Christians have done this.  For example, the Amish still follow strict gender roles including headship and submission.  From what I can find they have a divorce rate less than 1%, and they are growing rapidly due to their high fertility rate...[but] for the rest of us, Christians need Game..." 

Click on the link to read more about "Game" and following a traditional model for marriage. But, most importantly, pay close attention to the many examples he provides of how Feminism has taken over the American church, at the expense of Scripture.

The reason women are kept from holding church leadership positions and required to be subject to their husbands is because the Scriptures speak about both of these things.  The Southern Baptist Convention does not practice "unjustifiable discrimination"--they justify different treatment of women with the Bible.

Pay attention, Mr. President.

Christians attribute their beliefs to the "Higher Authority" because their marching orders come from God's Word--not from the demands of the culture, as yours do.

And, by helping a woman abandon the One True God in favor of the impotent cultural one, you are killing her soul. A rejection of God's Word always harms women rather than helping them.

The Word contains instructions for how females best flourish--which is graciously submitting to godly leadership. By all means, stop the genital mutilation. But do NOT rush in to "rescue" the damsels whose only hardship is battling their own rebellious natures, as we all must.

I cannot speak for all women--but personally, I refuse your offer of "freedom," Mr. President. I do not need you to rescue me from the Bible. Your new fellowship of Elders are wolves in sheep's clothing, "empowering" women to rebel. 

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