Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Check, Please

My husband took me out for lunch today.
I paid.
So, can I still say he took me out? (Note: he drove.)

Regardless, I'm reminded that I really enjoy looking over a table at him and making small talk about the food, the decor, and the man coughing up flegm in the middle of the restaurant. Makes me wonder why I almost let my greasy hair and slight headache keep us from going....

Thanks for lunch, Hon! Or, well, you know....Thanks for driving.


  1. If it's from a joint account, you both paid.

  2. Does the fact that it was cash change things? I mean, anyone can swipe a card...but cash is hard to come by. Plus, I had to bend over and dig it out of my purse. Selfless.

  3. The cash came from the joint account, didn't it? The money belongs to both of you, regardless of who is holding it.

    Anyone can swipe a card? Anyone can hand over cash.

    The act of pulling your wallet out of your purse isn't selfless. It's merely a task. Would you consider your husband selfless for pulling the wallet out of his pocket? Probably not. My guess is you would have expected it since it was a date.

    I don't mean to ruffle your feathers, but honestly, you're being rather whiney. And not just in this post. :/

    Marriage is not one plus one. Marriage is one. Two individuals with two different lives joined together to become a single being that calls itself "we" instead of "I," and to merge those separate lives into one life. That applies to everything in your shared life, including money.

    That's not to say you lose your identity, or that you two become identical. Each of you has something to offer, to either complement or counter-balance the other. That's how one plus one equals one—you fill in each other's gaps and become whole.

    Whoa, I didn't mean to start preaching! Lol, sorry about that.

    Anyway, it's just paying a bill. Does it really matter who did it?

    I mean, really?

  4. haha, no I totally agree with you.
    Actually, my response about whether cash makes a difference was sarcastic. (I earned the money babysitting, and it never made it to the "joint account," BUT our marriage is one where yours is mine is ours. Especially money.)
    In fact, married people with seperate accounts is something I've ranted about before, and maybe I'll think of making it a future post?....Maybe even quote some of your points?... We'll see.

    Thanks for reading!
