Saturday, June 26, 2010

Do You Prefer "Fashion Victim" or "Ensembly Challenged?"

(Post title from the movie Clueless.)

It was a naked day today. I pulled every item out of my closet (and several articles from Luke's) before collapsing in an exasperated heap on the bed--still undressed.
Eventually, my knight in shining armor pulled the blankets off my head, shoved a random outfit in my hand, and declared we would have a good day today if he had to sew a smile on me. And...I glared at him.

I just didn't want to hear about how he "never spends more than 20 seconds" deciding on an outfit and that I "give myself too much time" to change my mind, and "men don't fret" about such insignificant things as clothes because they realize they are "still the same person" regardless of what they drape themselves in, and "by the way, babe, you've looked good in everything you've put on today." I glared at him because I knew he was wrong, and I was fat and pasty white and ugly....not to mention, all of my clothes sucked.

But, he's a stubborn man, so he reiterrated his ultimatum and sat in the car until I caved, got dressed, and joined him. Then he took me to Plato's Closet and let me spend $75 on several new items for my wardrobe. Aaaaaand, even though I had to decline an awful lot of self-esteem-killing tops due to their magnifying effect on a couple of assets, and even though I didn't find a pair of dress pants that didn't look painted on, and even though I'm pretty sure the mirrors in the dressing room were bought second-hand from a hobby shop ("oh, you don't literally want an hour-glass figure?"), I still feel world's better than earlier, basking in the act of service Luke bestowed on me. happy in fact, that I agreed to watch soccer. Ugh. I think I'll need to wear my new summer dress for this...

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