Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Write-a-Letter Wednesday, Dear Readers

Dear Readers,

Please, if you like what you see, "follow" my blog. It helps to know who, exactly, I'm talking to when I'm on a tangent about politics or bragging about my students or confessing a royal failure...

AND, once you make our relationships official, I just want lots and lots of feedback. It's hard to write something new and relevant several times a week. But you could make it easier by sharing some of the stuff you're discovering on this crazy ride called life. Send me an article, tell me when you disagree with me, or let's explore problematic Bible verses together. (Oh, that reminds me: did you know one of the midwives in Egypt during the time of Moses was named "Push?" That's not problematic. Just funny.)

Anyway, you may consider this somewhat of a cop-out post. It seems like a cheap advertisement, as opposed to a sweet, sentimental love-note for my as-yet-unconceived babies, or an expression of sincere thanks to past mentors. But, as I mentioned, I'm starting to hit a wall in the way of a good topic... And I'd love to hear from you about what a none-cop-out letter would be.

Make me think this week, people! What's bugging you? How is your personal quest for selflessness going? Have you seen examples of true, sacrificial love? If you give me some fodder, I would be happy to write next week's letter directly to you.

With gratitude for your readership (and thanks in advance for hitting the "follow" button at the top of the page),


  1. My aha moment (a regular event in this journey to "know myself") is that I will never be a journaler. I am too unfocused to settle down and do serious writing. So my blog spot is my office wall where I write, or rather scrawl, my thoughts for the moment. I use big sheets of paper and markers and make no attempt to be neat and/or grammatically correct. When a sheet is full I just put another on top and keep going. I figure that the bottom ones will lose their significance and I can throw them away, therefor keeping my walls from becoming three feet thick with posts. Maybe others have a creative way to express their inner person. It would be fun to find out. (PS: I have cork boards underneath to protect the walls from pinholes)

  2. Duly noted! (Thanks for the comment)

    By the way, maybe you'd like to come "journal" at my house. I have a large hole leading to an ants nest in our wall, and I wouldn't mind if you covered it up with your papers. :)

  3. Thanks for the invitation. I just may do that.
