Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Write-a-Letter Wednesday, Former Teachers

***The idea is to write an open letter every Wednesday to someone who has impacted my week.***

Dear Former Teachers,

Thank you.
No one could ask for better examples of knowledgeable, dedicated, and servant-hearted instructors than the ones I've had in my school career.

If I have been successful in academia (and I have), it's because you made achievement fun, and I never had to worry that my accomplishments would go unnoticed. I loved when my elementary teacher (Mom) would tell Dad everything I'd mastered in History, Grammer, and Math--all while I was in earshot. I loved the stickers and green "minus zeros" used by Mrs. Hite and Mrs. Nierste in middle school. And I've kept the note written by Miss Harsh, my highschool English teacher, in which she said some of the most encouraging things about my writing I've ever heard. (You're still the "ink in my pen," Miss Harsh. hehe!)

I'm remembering Mr. Phillips and Mr. Firebaugh and Professor Ford and Chip Macgregor and the whole host of others who've invested time and energy in my development, and all of you are on my mind because I'm a teacher now. And I'd love to know someday that my efforts have made a difference.

Sometimes it's a thankless job encouraging others to learn. But I want you to know I've fallen in love with knowledge because all of you demonstrated that same love in the classroom. You would deliver your lessons excited about sharing ideas and turning on lightbulbs in the minds of your students, and I caught that bug! Thank you for your contagious enthusiasm. Thank you for your positivity and your encouragement.

Currently, I'm trying to figure out the best time for getting my Master's degree, because I know I'd love teaching college classes eventually. If I could teach Special Education, I'd be in Heaven. I just need to work up motivation for paying more money and securing the diploma. But I'm excited about the possibility of teaching long-term because you, former teachers, have made it look great. Not easy. But great.

And I'm confident I'll succeed when I finally haul my butt to grad school because you made me feel smart, responsible, and capable all my life.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.
~Amanda (Branyan) McKinney

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