Friday, March 29, 2013

Can Fish Hold a Pole?

We've heard: "The church will die, unless we get out there and fish!"

I guess I can jive with that statement.

Except, I'm afraid too many of the people sitting in the congregation and hearing that message haven't yet been "caught" themselves.

I believe: the Church is dying because many (most?) of those within it are, themselves, still dead.

We claim to have Jesus--but He was magnetic. People swarmed to hear His stories. He was the ultimate "fish bait," so to speak.

By contrast, I'm afraid the modern church is like a piece of bark on the end of a hook that's shaped like a worm...  not at all what the fish want (or need).

We Churchians try to "wiggle" the right way, to get the fish to bite.  We expand our children's program and we vamp up the worship and we pass out fliers to advertise our new sermon series.  But, for the most part, membership across the nation continues to dwindle.

Folks, the lost fish will be drawn to us, naturally, when we come alive.

When we're growing, learning, asking questions and searching for answers, people want to investigate. And, if they're really hungry, they'll open wide and chomp down on the Gospel.

A breathing, growing Christian is like a fat beemoth, wriggling at the surface of a seaweed-filled pond...  (My fisherman husband adds: " early spring, at the edges of the lake, where the fish spawn." His mind wanders for a few seconds, and he smiles a bit. "You can catch just about as many as you want that way...")

The question is: are you alive?  Forget about inviting friends to church. Stop worrying about "writing your testimony."  These are formulas for "evangelism," which any robot can be programmed to follow. It's dried-out tackle.

If you are walking the talk--struggling and discovering answers--doubting and working through it--questioning and then growing, you are alive. THAT'S your bait and hook, wrapped into one. Drop into the water and the fish will sense your presence.  Whether they bite will depend on their level of hunger--but it will be hard to resist a swim-by to check you out...

Do you have spiritual life?  Or are you still a fish, lost and waiting to be hooked?

No wonder we're struggling to reel in new Christians... I've never seen a fish hold a pole.

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